Customer Survey
Our desire is to continually improve the services and solutions we offer you and to do all we can to meet the needs of our customers.
Please take a moment to complete our online survey, your feedback will help us to improve the way we work in the future.
Fields marked with a * are required.
How did you first hear about Qual? *
Is your requirement/project with our company currently active, or has it been completed? *
How well did our Consultant manage your requirement/project? *
Compared to our competitors, was the quality of our service delivery, better, worse, or about the same? *
What was your initial method of contacting Qual? *
What was the primary focus of your requirement/project? *
How closely did our Consultant follow your requirement/project timescale, required specification, and budgetary requirements? *
How likely are you to recommend Qual to others? *
Additional Comments